Im originally for a small port town called Goole in East Yorkshire, UK. Not a particularly pretty town, but home nonetheless. My Dad was a fire fighter there for almost 27 years and I didnt move out of Goole until I was 21.

So for my friends and aquaintances who still dont understand me, heres a little lesson in Yorkshire!
- I pronounce my Ts! Water is war-Ter and not what-errr
- I say ZED and not ZEE! Zeb-ra not zeeeeeeeebra
- Ta means thanks
- Owt or nowt means anything or nothing ie: Ill have owt to drink ta.
- ey up means hello or hiya
- utch up means make room ie utch up so I can sit down
- pack it in means stop it
- bray means hit, thrash ie pack it in kids or Ill bray you
- britches means trousers ie pull your britches up
- chuffed means happy or thrilled ie Im chuffed to bits :)
- faffin means messing ie stop faffin about, we need to leave
- flaggin means getting tired ie I started flaggin at mile 15
- flag name for a paving stone
- flit means to move house
- frame means get a move on ie frame yourself we need to get going
- gaffer means boss
- loppy means itchy
- lug 'oil means ear
- mind means watch out ie mind where you are walking
- parky means cold, chilly ie its a bit parky out
- snicket means narrow passageway
- sneck means nose - keep your sneck out of my business!
- our lass means my sister
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