Wednesday, June 5, 2013

Happy National (no)Running day

I still cant run but that didnt mean I couldnt celebrate National Running Day with everyone else, I just did it a bit differently thats all.

I started my day by putting on my new running socks and shoes and heading to therapy. Im still endeavouring to go three times a week and Ive seen some improvement although its very slow. 

Brooks Trance
Yesterday I took a trip to Running for Kicks in Palos Heights.

I sympathise with anyone who has to try and fit my stupid feet. They are flat, have permanent neuropathy symptoms and my left is still getting over my surgery. Urgh. 

I change my shoes a lot because the fit is usually mediocre or they discontinue the shoe. This time I was lucky enough to be fit by Mel Diab the stores owner and shoe expert. After trying on 3 different brands we decided on a pair of Brooks Trance, lots of cushioning and arch support. Fantastic. I also treated myself to a few pairs of Feetures light cushioning socks.
Feetures are the only socks that I wear for 2 reasons, 
1. they dont move in my shoes and they are seamless. If a seam rubs on my toes I wont always feel it because I have a certain degree of permanent numbness. 
2. Feetures offer different cushioning thicknesses which is perfect for those who have neuropathy symptoms. On days where the foot has terrible burning a thicker sock can help protect the hyper sensitive nerve and relieve symptoms.

Todays therapy session was stepped up and some new exercises added. Im still limping a lot and thats partly due to my posterior tibialis tendon being very weak and scarred. I have also lost a significant amount of toe flexibility which needs addressing. 

My propulsive phase or toe off should be at 60 degrees, mines currently only at 10 which is a major problem. As soon as that improves and I take some of the pressure of my posterior tib than I should be pain free and able to start making impact :) I cant wait!

After therapy I headed home for lunch with my girls and I signed up for the Run for Boston 5k. Its for an awesome cause and as a runner its an event that I would not miss for the world. Im signed up to run but Im actually going to head up there and volunteer and I cant wait to see all the Chicago Running Bloggers who made it happen and all of my running friends :)

Theres still time to sign up

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